That Thing You (Need To) Do

Emily Gehman
2 min readSep 2, 2020
Image by StartupStockPhotos from Pixabay

Everyone’s got a thing, right?

We’re not just talking about hobbies. Everyone has a thing that they should be doing to grow their business. You have a thing, right? You’re thinking of your thing as you read this about having a thing.

But you just can’t get the traction on the thing because well, work, and there’s only so many hours in the day.

It’s not that you don’t think you need to work on the thing. It’s just that you’re not really sure where to start or maybe how to continue on the thing. And then if you do start on the thing, do you really have time, skills or brainspace to keep working on the thing and really make the thing a real thing?

Sometimes you just need to wrap your head around the thing.

Better yet — you need someone else who can wrap their head around the thing. And then actually go do the thing!

But someone else who doesn’t require a full-time paycheck, a benefits package or a desk at the office. Someone who already knows what they’re doing so you don’t have to train and can just jump right into the thing. Yeah. Someone like that. That’s, like, the perfect employee!

Okay well, the “perfect” employee doesn’t exist, but what it sounds like you really need is actually a fractional employee.

What in the world is a fractional employee? Oh, we’re glad you asked.

It’s easy as pie. Literally. Remember when you were in elementary school and your teacher used pie charts to demonstrate fractions? Same idea. Fractional employees are only a small part of your company pie. Which means they’re only a small part of your company’s budget.

But fractional employees can be a big part of getting that thing done that you need to get done. Or started, as the case may be.

Fractional employees only work a few hours a month, which means you only pay them for a few hours a month. But they can be a huge part of growing and maintaining parts of your business for you. And you end up with a little more time in your schedule, a little less work you have to do and a little more money in your budget.

We like the sound of that.

This article was original published at



Emily Gehman

Writer | Storytelling Coach | Editor | Jesus Follower | Dog Person | Not In That Order |